2311 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6S 1P1
(416) 239-4122 https://footsensation.ca/
Orthopedic Shoe Store
Foot Sensation offers many products that many foot clinics and shoe stores do not, making them the obvious choice for your orthotic and footwear needs.
Instead of searching a multitude of stores for the perfect pair of shoes, Foot Sensation offers the best brands. These include New Balance, Blundstone, P.W. Minor, Wolky, Lowa, X-Sensible, Clark’s, Fit Flop, Birkenstock, and Finn Comfort.
While there are many foot clinics or comfort shoe stores available, none of them join both to ensure customers get the assistance they need to make decisions regarding their feet. Foot Sensation specializes in orthotics as well as shoes and staff take the time to determine what you need so you can avoid injury and pain in your feet.